Woman laughing at entertainment

The Moment That Made All The Tough Days Worth It

Have you ever had one of those days when everything just drags on, and you’re barely holding it together? That was me in Reno, Nevada, finishing my 31st show in a seven-week run at Harrah’s Casino.

It was hot, I was exhausted, and despite a great show, I was in a rotten mood. All I wanted was to retreat to my dressing room and relax, but I knew I had to go through the “meet-and-greet” after the show. So, I plastered on a fake smile, politely answered questions, and counted down the seconds until I could escape.

A Turning Point

As I finally prepared to leave, I noticed a woman at a nearby table waving me over. Though still tired, curiosity got the better of me, so I approached her and saw she had been quietly crying. Her tremulous smile tugged at my heart as she shared her story.

“I lost my husband six months ago,” she said, her voice shaking. “I haven’t been able to get my mind off the loss and haven’t really found anything to smile about, either. I was told that I should come out for the day to see a show. Young man, for an hour, I didn’t think about my loss or any of my troubles—I just laughed. I laughed so hard that I cried. Your show gave me that gift.”

In that moment, everything clicked. Laughter is a gift we give ourselves and allow others to give us. That lovely lady reminded me why I do what I do, and even on the toughest days, that makes it all worth it.

Something To Think About

Practicing Gratitude.

I encourage you to take 10 seconds right now, and recall just one thing that you are grateful for.

For the month of August, I decided I was extra grateful for other educators. Boy this world has so much to learn from, how nice it is when someone wraps it up in a neat little bow.

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